The English Theatre Group proudly presents
Merlin’s Magnificent Magic Shop
by Carl Taylor (adapted).
During the school holidays five girls and two boys visit Merlin, an old magician, and his assistant Dr K. Nickel.
Dr K. has got a big problem… he is in love! And he needs help! Merlin tries out different tricks, but he can’t help his assistant because his magic isn’t working. The children get angry with Merlin because they feel sorry for poor Dr K. Then finally Merlin’s old, old, old, very old Aunt Agatha shows up….
The English Theatre Group
is new at the Gymnasium Puchheim and Merlin’s Magnificent Magic Shop is our very first play. The group consists of students in grades 5 to 7.
Come and see our play! The entrance is free.
Aufführungen am Dienstag, 21. Mai, und Mittwoch, 22. Mai, um 19.30 Uhr