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Englischsprachiger Schüleraustausch am GymP

Westminster 2016

A Westminster experience

Finally we arrived at Westminster school, or was it maybe Hogwarts? We were immediately impressed by these charming old buildings, surrounded by some of the most famous sights of Europe. The huge number of buildings that belong to the school in comparison to our school in Munich is incredible, although, it can be a bit confusing… not only for us! Even English pupils and teachers sometimes get lost. What a relief!

At last, we found every classroom – thanks to the helpful Westminster students. Furthermore, the atmosphere made us feel comfortable and included in the school community.

Additionally, we were really overwhelmed by the hospitality of the British and could easily make new friends, despite some small language issues, such as trying to avoid saying the dreaded “no” that as a natural part of the German language we are so used to. It took us a short while to figure out the various ways to translate “Nein” into less rude phrases.

We were ever so grateful that not only Mr. Hennig in particular but all the other teachers as well warmly welcomed us and gave us a good introduction to Westminster school, as well as providing us any help through the exchange.

Also the school uniform helped us to behave more like gentlemen, as well as helping us to be part of the community. What surprised us the most is that the English pupils only had to study four subjects, whereas in Germany we need to study 13 subjects to achieve A-levels.

Apart from school, we also enjoyed a great time visiting many interesting sites in London, such as the Houses of Parliament, Tate Modern, Neasden Temple and Hampton Court Palace.

All together, we spent three fantastic weeks in the Capital of the UK, enjoying the wonderful school community of Westminster, and having excellent visits in and around London. It’s a pity that time has gone so fast, but as one says „time’s flying when you’re having fun“ and we’re looking forward to our exchange partners visiting us in Munich this summer.

Max Böhm, Florian Lippert, Leo Pfefferer, Verena Vilgertshofer

Philadelphia 2015